Results for 'Carlos Casale R.'

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  1.  13
    La vigencia de la pregunta teológica por el término "persona" para la imagen del hombre en la actualidad: El aporte de Hans Urs von Balthasar.Carlos Casale R. - 2001 - Teología y Vida 42 (4).
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    Reflexiones sistemáticas sobre "La salvación y sus mediaciones".Carlos Casale R. - 2001 - Teología y Vida 42 (1-2).
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  3. Consideraciones sobre algunos mecanismos árabes.R. Casals - 1982 - Al-Qantara 3 (1):333-346.
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    Alcuíno Três livros sobre a fé na santa e indivisível Trindade. Ao glorioso imperador Carlos Magno a Deus devoto.Carlos Arthur R. Nascimento - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (163):553-557.
    LIVRO 1 Prefácio Em nome da santa Trindade. Embora estejamos afastados da alegria da felicidade bem-aventurada na cegueira deste exílio, como pena justíssima pelo pecado original, não estamos de tal modo cortados e separados dela que mesmo, no que é mutável e temporal, não saibamos buscar ou desejar a eternidade, a verdade, a felicidade. O que se percebe pelo fato de que não temos vontade nem de morrer, nem de nos enganar, nem de estar na miséria. Donde, por este instinto (...)
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    No title available.Nascimento Carlos Arthur R. Do - 1984 - Trans/Form/Ação 7:61-68.
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    Nota sobre a questâo dos universais en Tomás de Aquino.Carlos A. R. Do Nascimento - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:137-140.
    En esta nota, el autor recuerda cómo Santo Tomás de Aquino se ha ocupado del problema de los universales, señala los textos más importantes en que aborda tal cuestión y formula algunas observaciones en torno a ellos. Finalmente, traduce al portugués uno de estos textos.
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    «Africa e Mediterraneo», 2005, n. 53: Filosofia in Africa. Alessi, A., Sui sentieri dell'uomo. Introduzione all'antropologia filoso-fica, Roma, Las, 2006. Berni, S., Nietzsche e Foucault. Corporeità e potere in una critica ra-dicale della modernità, Milano, Giuffrè, 2005. [REVIEW]D. Bostock, A. Bottani, R. Davies, A. Brancacci, G. Cacciatore, G. Cantillo, Luciano Napoli, R. Casale, D. Cavalieri & P. Colonnello - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (3).
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    O descompromisso ontológico da ciência moderna E suas raízes medievais.Carlos Arthur R. Nascimento - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):649-658.
    Tomás de Aquino ou Roberto Grossetestenão podiam prever a importância que aciência matematizada da natureza assumiria apartir do século XVII. Eles, no entanto, nãocontestam a possibilidade de um conhecimentoda natureza baseado em seus aspectos quantitativose não na essência das substâncias naturais.Eles reservam um lugar para este tipo de ciênciae o justificam. Quanto a Tomás, é preciso aindalembrar que, embora para ele o objeto próprioproporcionado de nosso intelecto seja a essênciadas coisas materiais, não conhecemos as diferençasespecíficas nem das substâncias materiaisnem das (...)
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    A justiça geral em Tomás de aquino.Carlos Artur R. Do Nascimento - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):475-479.
    O presente trabalho visa apresentar a noção de justiça geral de acordo com Tomás de Aquino, bem como a evolução desta noção desde o Comentários às sentenças até a Suma de Teologia.
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    Rir é o próprio do homem.Carlos Arthur R. Do Nascimento - 1999 - Trans/Form/Ação 21 (1):27-32.
    Este pequeno texto tenta investigar as origens do conhecido exemplo “o riso é o próprio do homem”. Conclui-se que, se não a origem, a difusão do exemplo encontra-se na Isagoge de Porfírio.
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    S. Tomás de Aquino e o Conhecimento Negativo de Deus.Carlos Arthur R. Do Nascimento - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):397 - 408.
    O presente artigo visa apresentar o carácter negativo do conhecimento humano de Deus, de acordo com S. Tomás de Aquino. Tal dá-se por causa do objecto próprio do conhecimento intelectual humano (natureza existente na matéria) e por causa da transcendência de Deus, que está acima de tudo o que existe e que podemos apreender. Esta característica do conhecimento humano de Deus afecta mesmo a revelação divina e a sagrada doutrina. Com efeito, se a revelação alarga o alcance do conhecimento humano, (...)
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    Motor imagery modulation of body sway is task-dependent and relies on imagery ability.Thiago Lemos, Nélio S. Souza, Carlos H. R. Horsczaruk, Anaelli A. Nogueira-Campos, Laura A. S. de Oliveira, Claudia D. Vargas & Erika C. Rodrigues - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  13.  15
    Carlos Casale Rolle.“Wolfhart Pannenberg y el reto de la Modernidad: Pensar a Dios y al hombre desde la mediación”, Teología y Vida (U. Católica de Chile) 47 (2006): 5-46. [REVIEW]Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):163-164.
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    Science's neutrality and the conflict between reason and passions.Carlos Emilio García & Pablo R. Arango - 2010 - Discusiones Filosóficas 11 (17):223-237.
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  15. Forma y función de Jueces 2: 1-5; 6: 7-10 y 10: 11-16: Una comparación literaria y estructural.Carlos R. Sosa - 2010 - Kairos (misc) 46:37-66.
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  16. Cuando la respuesta al clamor no es la liberación: Análisis de Jueces 6: 7-10.Carlos R. Sosa - 2009 - Kairos (misc) 44:33-56.
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    Sensitivity to pain expectations: A Bayesian model of individual differences.R. Hoskin, Carlo Berzuini, D. Acosta-Kane, W. El-Deredy, H. Guo & D. Talmi - 2019 - Cognition 182:127-139.
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    Especulación Contemporánea en Valores Comentario.Carlos R. G. Leyba - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):132-142.
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    Is Ethical Research Feasible in Developed and Developing Countries?Carlos Del R.Ío - 2002 - Bioethics 12 (4):328-330.
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    First Steps in Updating Knowing How.Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2023 - In Carlos Areces & Diana Costa, Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications: 4th International Workshop, DaLí 2022, Haifa, Israel, July 31–August 1, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-16.
    We investigate dynamic operations acting over a knowing how logic. Our approach makes use of a recently introduced semantics for the knowing how operator, based on an indistinguishability relation between plans. This semantics is arguably closer to the standard presentation of knowing that modalities in classic epistemic logic. Here, we discuss how the semantics enables us to define dynamic modalities representing different ways in which an agent can learn how to achieve a goal. In this regard, we study two types (...)
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  21. Scritti in onore di Carlo Diano.Carlo Diano (ed.) - 1975 - Bologna: Pàtron.
    Bernardi Perini, G. Aceto italico e poesia luciliana: Hor. Sat. I 7.--Bernardinello, S. Bessarione riassume la Fisica di Aristotele.--Bottecchia, M. E. I Mechanicha di Aristotele nel Parisinus graecus 2507.--Bottin, L. La tradizione araba della Retorica di Aristotele e il problema dell'exemplar decurtatum.--Chiereghin, F. Analogie di struttura tra la metodologia della storiografia filosofica di Platone e di Kant.--Ciani, M. G. Poesia come enigma.--Degani, E. Hippon. fr. 40 Med.--Donaldi, F. Note preparatorie all'edizione dell'Encomio di Elena gorgiano nella traduzione latina inedita di Pietro (...)
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  22. Análisis exegético y literario de Jueces 2: 1-5.Carlos R. Sosa - 2008 - Kairos (misc) 43:9-38.
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  23. Cuando la paciencia del Señor se colma: Análisis exegético de Jueces 10: 11-16.Carlos R. Sosa - 2009 - Kairos (misc) 45:9-40.
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  24. Forma y mensaje del Salmo 67.Carlos R. Sosa - 2007 - Kairos (misc) 40:27-50.
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    The Mathematician is not Really the Pure Theoretician but Only the Ingenious Technician.Carlos R. Bovell - 2012 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (1):78-91.
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    MENDIOLA MEJÍA, CARLOS. El poder de juzgar en Immanuel Kant, Universidad Iberoamericana, México D. F., 2008, 185 pp. [REVIEW]Roberto Casales García - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (3):637-640.
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    Franco, R., I Vespri delle domeniche e feste e compieta. [REVIEW]R. Carlo - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):216-217.
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    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Psychophysiological Responses to Maximal Incremental Exercise Test in Recreational Endurance Runners.Carlo Baldari, Cosme F. Buzzachera, Marcelo Vitor-Costa, Juliano M. Gabardo, Andrea G. Bernardes, Leandro R. Altimari & Laura Guidetti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29. El imperialismo de la mirada.Carlos Valencia R. - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):372-407.
    Este ensayo busca explorar la metáfora visual en una época que critica al ojo y demanda una nueva ontología de la mirada ante la creciente devaluación de la imagen. Lo paradójico de la ceguera del ojo y del pensamiento, en una época que se precia de ilustrada son aquí sondeados. Así mismo, se explora la mirada desencantada de la modernidad ante el rebajamiento de lo humano y la trivialización de la vida.
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    Adaptive graph Laplacian MTL L1, L2 and LS-SVMs.Carlos Ruiz, Carlos M. Alaíz & José R. Dorronsoro - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):634-655.
    Multi-Task Learning tries to improve the learning process of different tasks by solving them simultaneously. A popular Multi-Task Learning formulation for SVM is to combine common and task-specific parts. Other approaches rely on using a Graph Laplacian regularizer. Here we propose a combination of these two approaches that can be applied to L1, L2 and LS-SVMs. We also propose an algorithm to iteratively learn the graph adjacency matrix used in the Laplacian regularization. We test our proposal with synthetic and real (...)
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    Maxwell's equations, linear gravity, and twistors.Carlos N. Kozameh, Ezra T. Newman & John R. Porter - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (11):1061-1081.
    A detailed outline is presented of several convergent points of view connecting the self-dual and anti-self-dual fields with their free data. This is done for the Maxwell and for linearized gravity as exemplifying the approaches. The Sparling equation provides one tool of great power and characterizes one approach. The twistor theory of Penrose yields another equally powerful point of view. The links between these two basic approaches given in this paper provide a unification that allows workers and others with interest (...)
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  32. For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Edouard Machery, David Rose, Stephen Stich, Christopher Y. Olivola, Paulo Sousa, Florian Cova, Emma E. Buchtel, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniûnas, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas López, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Philosophers have long debated whether, if determinism is true, we should hold people morally responsible for their actions since in a deterministic universe, people are arguably not the ultimate source of their actions nor could they have done otherwise if initial conditions and the laws of nature are held fixed. To reveal how non-philosophers ordinarily reason about the conditions for free will, we conducted a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic survey (N = 5,268) spanning twenty countries and sixteen languages. Overall, participants tended (...)
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  33.  26
    Dialética E antinomia.Carlos R. V. Cirne Lima - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (164):621-628.
    A estrutura das antinomias lógicas, redescobertas e reformuladas por Frege e Russell no começo do século XX, consiste num movimento circular que é, ao mesmo tempo, autoflexivo e negativo. Surge, aí, um perpétuo oscilar entre o Sim e o Não, em certos casos, entre verdade e falsidade. Os Lógicos resolvem o problema pela distinção de tipos ou níveis linguagem. Alguns filósofos - Kulenkampff, Kesselring, Wandschneider – pensam ter aí encontrado o mecanismo central que move a Dialética. Procura-se aqui mostrar que (...)
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    Latin American Legal Philosophies.Carlos Cossio, Educardo Garcia Maynez, Gordon Ireland & Milton R. Korwitz - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):278-281.
  35.  40
    Tonic Immobility in PTSD: Exacerbation of Emotional Cardiac Defense Response.Carlos Eduardo Norte, Eliane Volchan, Jaime Vila, Jose Luis Mata, Javier R. Arbol, Mauro Mendlowicz, William Berger, Mariana Pires Luz, Vanessa Rocha-Rego, Ivan Figueira & Gabriela Guerra Leal de Souza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Phenomenology and the Search for the Infinite God.Carlos R. Bovell - 2010 - Quaestiones Disputatae 1 (1):133-143.
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    How Much Time Does a Measurement Take?Carlos Alexandre Brasil, L. A. de Castro & R. D. J. Napolitano - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):642-655.
    We consider the problem of measurement using the Lindblad equation, which allows the introduction of time in the interaction between the measured system and the measurement apparatus. We use analytic results, valid for weak system-environment coupling, obtained for a two-level system in contact with a measurer (Markovian interaction) and a thermal bath (non-Markovian interaction), where the measured observable may or may not commute with the system-environment interaction. Analysing the behavior of the coherence, which tends to a value asymptotically close to (...)
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    El pensamiento de Juan David García Bacca, una filosofía para nuestro tiempo: actas del Congreso Internacional de Filosofía: centenario del nacimiento de Juan David García Bacca.Carlos Beorlegui, Cristina Cruz & R. Aretxaga (eds.) - 2003 - Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
    Los temas que contiene van desde estudios sobre los contextos culturales español e hispanoamericano en los que le tocó vivir a nuestro filósofo, y trabajos sobre los principales temas filosóficos sobre los que centró su abundante producción escrita.
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  39. An introduction to artificial intelligence.Carlos R. Arias - 2022 - In Michael J. Paulus & Michael D. Langford, AI, faith, and the future: an interdisciplinary approach. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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    Maertens, Thierry, Pour une meilleure intelligence de la prière eucharistique. [REVIEW]R. Carlo - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (2):438-438.
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    (1 other version)Sobre las posibilidades de Una equivalencia para el fundamento de la aritmética.Carlos Álvarez - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):345-364.
    Our aim in this paper is to analyse the possibilities of a logical or epistemological equivalence between the projets of R. Dedekind and G. Frege for the foundations of arithmetic. It is well know that both of them have a “logicist” point of vew. But we think that even if some coincidences exist in the wa y they define the main concepts of arithmetic, some important differences remain.
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    Consciosusness in cognitive architectures. A principled analysis of rcs, soar and act-r.Carlos Hernandez, Ricardo Sanz & Ignacio Lopez - 2008
    This report analyses the aplicability of the principles of consciousness developed in the ASys project to three of the most relevant cognitive architectures. This is done in relation to their aplicability to build integrated control systems and studying their support for general mechanisms of real-time consciousness. To analyse these architectures the ASys Framework is employed. This is a conceptual framework based on an extension for cognitive autonomous systems of the General Systems Theory (GST). A general qualitative evaluation criteria for cognitive (...)
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  43. Sobre a contradição.Carlos R. V. Cirne-Lima - 1993 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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  44. (1 other version)El programa contra el dualismo de R. Penrose.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 31:31-54.
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    Creation and the God of Abraham.David B. Burrell, Carlo Cogliati, Janet M. Soskice & William R. Stoeger (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Being all-good and gracious, God cannot be so envious as not to allow anything else besides him to exist. The necessitarian view thus limits God in His choice of creation and argues that God had to create in the first place out of His infinite ...
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  46.  24
    Reseña de "Wolfhart Pannenberg y el reto de la Modernidad: Pensar a Dios y al hombre desde la mediación" de Carlos Casale Rolle.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):169-170.
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    I trattati nel mondo antico: Forma, ideologia, funzione.Delbert R. Hillers, Luciano Canfora, Mario Liverani & Carlo Zaccagnini - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (4):683.
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  48. Indice Del volumen XXXVII.Octavio N. Derisi, Carlos I. Massini, William R. Daros, Alberto Caturelli, Juan Cruz Cruz, Alfonso Garcia Marques, Mauricio Beuchot-Jose, Jaime Guerrero, Juan A. Casaubon & Julio R. Mendez - 1982 - Sapientia 143:319.
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    Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations of preorders.José Carlos R. Alcantud, Gianni Bosi & Magalì Zuanon - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (3):443-450.
    The existence of a Richter–Peleg multi-utility representation of a preorder by means of upper semicontinuous or continuous functions is discussed in connection with the existence of a Richter–Peleg utility representation. We give several applications that include the analysis of countable Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations.
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    What are Extremophiles? A Philosophical Perspective.Carlos Mariscal & T. D. P. Brunet - 2020 - In Carlos Mariscal & Kelly C. Smith, Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 157-178.
    In the 1970s, R.D. MacElroy coined the term ‘extremophile’ to describe microorganisms that thrive under extreme conditions (MacElroy 1974). This hybrid word transliterates to ‘love of extremes’ and has been studied as a straightforward concept for the past 40 years. In this paper, we discuss several ways the term has been understood in the scientific literature, each of which has different consequences for the distribution and importance of extremophiles. They are, briefly, Human-Centric, at the Edge of life’s habitation of Morphospace, (...)
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